The chain of transmission through which a piece of information is passed down from one person to another is known as “Sanad”. In the context of the Quran, the Sanad system is the means by how the way the Quran was recited by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is preserved. 1/10
To do a Khatm is to recite the Holy Quran entirely, from start to finish. In this programme, a Khatm Dabt is a recitation of the entire Holy Quran to a teacher by looking at the Mushaf. 2/10
The linguistic definition of Ijazah is “permission”, while its technical meaning is “permission to transmit.’’ The purpose of Ijazah is to establish the authenticity of the recitation with a documented chain of transmission, known as the “Sanad”. The Ijazah and Sanad systems are how the correct way to recite the Quran is preserved and the integrity and soundness of that recitation is verified through oral transmissions connecting the holder of the Ijazah with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 3/10
Each candidate in the Advanced level must have their own copy of the Holy Quran (a Mushaf). Reciting to the teacher will be only using this Mushaf and the candidate is required to present it to the assessment panel during periodic exams. During the course, the teacher/student will make comments and markings on the Mushaf to indicate areas of improvement. 4/10
In the same class, candidates may reach different points in their recitation and there is no requirement for everyone to move at the same pace. Each candidate will receive the due time in each lesson (around 15 minutes each session). There may be candidates on either stream of the Advanced level in the same class. 5/10
If a candidate is unable to attend their class, there is no requirement for the teacher to make up any missed time. The time missed will count towards the allocated time of 90 sessions per year. In the event of lesson cancellation from the teacher or the centre, the 1 lesson will be rescheduled. Missed time due to the teacher or the centre cancellation will not count towards the 90 sessions allocated. 6/10
Within the programme, there are 7 additional weeks not taken up by formal sessions which candidates should strive to utilise in revision. Holidays such as Eid and bank holidays will fall within this period and will be announced by the centre. 7/10
Candidates must master the articulation points of the Arabic alphabet (makhaarij alhuruf) and the rules of tajweed to a high standard. This will be assessed in an entry exam. 8/10
Candidates must demonstrate an ability to memorise 5 pages of the Holy Quran every week and commit to continuous revision of memorised pages. Prior memorisation of the Holy Quran is not required. 9/10
Candidates must:
1. Recite the Holy Quran completely to one individual holding an Ijazah. Anything recited
to a different individual is not counted, even if they hold an Ijazah (Apply for Ijaza
stream [A] only).
2. Pass periodic exams, which requires continuous revision.
3. Attend at least 75% and pass advanced Tajweed theory course.
The leader of Damascus Reciters