is a groundbreaking program developed by the Tafakkur Centre in Jordan. This unique curriculum fosters critical thinking and deep reflection
encouraging students to understand their faith and explore their role in the world through engaging lessons and interactive activities
Unlike traditional approaches, "Let’s Contemplate with Anoos" inspires children to connect with their surroundings, nurturing a lifelong love for learning and a meaningful connection to their faith
ALC Kids is proud to be among the first centres globally to offer the English-translated version of this program. Our dedicated staff have been expertly trained by the Tafakkur Centre, ensuring high-quality delivery of this transformative curriculum
Additionally, founder Dr. Abdulrahman Mkia maintains close ties with the Tafakkur Centre, regularly visiting to stay updated on the latest advancements and insights.
We offer weekday and weekend classes to suit every family.
Ages 6-9 years
- Days/Time -
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
2 hours and 15 minutes
5:15pm - 7:30pm
- Address -
Grade Excel Center, Sticker Lane, Bradford
- 3 Terms -
Term 1: Sep - Dec
Term 2: Jan - Mar
Term 3: Apr - Jul
Ages 6-9 years
- Days/Time -
3 hours and 15 minutes
12:00pm - 03:15pm
- Address -
ALC Centre, Manningham Lane, Bradford
- 3 Terms -
Term 1: Sep - Dec
Term 2: Jan - Mar
Term 3: Apr - Jul
To qualify, full term fees must be paid at least one week before the term starts.
- 2nd Child: 30% off
- 3rd Child: 40% off
- The Sibling Discount can be combined with the Early Bird Discount for the first child only. Full payment must be made before the first week of the term to apply.
Available to parents enrolled in ALC or Itqan Institute courses. Term fees must be paid in full at least one week before the term begins to qualify.